My First Blog "My Friends" True Ones

There are many things in this life that you treasure and you cherish.... Family, friends and  your LIFE.. I cherish all these things and still I ask myself why are they so important to me. Simply because they make! I have great friends that keep me grounded and never try and change me.. Brittany M. Brittany R, Taaj, Victoria, Jasmine, Tia, and Sean. Many people never have the joys and blessing of finding true friends that believe in you and love you. Well I have and  I thank God that I have them. I created this blog because one good friend of mine who is like a sister to me inspired me to create this blog..were both aspiring journalist one day! See... friends are suppose to inspire, educate, push (even when you want to give up), and love. Now of course i can go on and on and talk about the people that don't have true friends but i will simply say that i pray and hope that  you find true friends that i am so very blessed to have, for many years of friendship... Don't get me wrong its not gonna be a fairytale friendship we have had rocky roads and bending trails, but we took the road less travel and even though at times I wanted to scream at them I didnt cause have the time I argued with them I was So I leave you with these wise words from Leo Buscaglia 

"A single rose can be my garden..... but a single friend can be my world"

Words from ...... Voices Of The Unexplained and Unlistened To


  1. Lol, I love you Vita!
    The ending part of the blog is halarious!
    But, yes...I am very happy that I meet you:)
    & everyone else!

  2. am very blessed and happy to have a friend like you. Even tho we have our disagreements at the end of the day i know that u are my sister and i will always have ur bac!!!
