"Feeling You"

Thinking of all the pain 
you are going through 
Looking at your picture 
and what a lovely view 
So many mysteries surrounding 
and I have no clue 
The thought of you 
suffering is killing me too 
It's a volcano boiling 
with pain and anger for you 
Tears drop from your eyes 
cover me with morning's dew 
Sitting on the floor and still 
thinking it's not true 
Trying to reason with my senses 
and what I already knew 
What happened to you? 
I feel as if I'm 
with someone new 
Tell me baby if our hearts 
still beating one rhythm not two 
I long to be with you 
to share your pain 
and be inside your shoe 
Sitting outside listening 
to the birds and wishing 
to be with you 
Hoping to find a way to free 
your heart and soul 
from your taboo 
With each thought your love 
within my heart 
blossomed and grew 
So many thoughts provoking ideas
familiar only with few 
Patience is a virtue 
let the days show 
What our love can do

Still Standing "Monologue Written in 12th Grade"

I come from very dangerous place where it takes almost 15 minutes for the cops to arrive to a crime scene. I come from a place where people live paycheck to pay check. Where people dream of the next fix, and when they could actually walk out the house and wont worry about being robbed or mugged. Just a few make out and make something of themselves. I originate from Compton, California. The city that has one of the highest crime rates in the United States.  I learned at a young age that where you come from does not affect your future; take my mother for example she grew up poor lived in a three room house with nine other siblings sharing a bed with three sisters but now she has all four of her degrees up to a doctorates.” You come into this world with nothing and the purpose of your life is to make something out of nothing”, those words by Samuel Butler stick in my head when I get discouraged.

         Since the age that I was able to comprehend what college was and what it was all about I wanted to get there one day. “It’s the key to success, the American dream.” Many people have told me over the years. I have come from anger problems, fighting, and many trials and tribulations to get to where I am today. An honor student who try’s her best to be respectful to everyone. the past has made me who I am today. I can see myself in many different situations over the years I have wanted to become a number of different things from models, marinebiologist, orthodontist, to forensic scientist. But after taking AP Biology stop rewind those weren’t for me.

         At times I felt sorry for myself because I didn’t know what I wanted to become in life so I started to take a deeper look at myself I noticed that I loved to argue point of views, loved to read, research, and write. I want to become a District Attorney for whatever state I end up and I strive to bring rapist, abusive parents, and people who committee Hanis crimes against Women and children to justice and put them behind bars for a very long time, which has been my passion since I started watching Law and Order SVU in 10th grade. I know I can achieve my goals for the near future with hard work and dedication. I hope to be wearing the cute pants and skirt suits and walking into the court preparing to win my case and putting a wrong doer behind bars for a long time. How I will reach these goals are all planned out and reachable. Alan Key wrote the words that remain true and understandable “ The only way to predict the future is to invent it” meaning the only way to understand and know the future is to make your own future. I have seen how I don’t want to live and is trying everything in my power to reach my goals and aspirations so I can become Davita L. Washington the most sought after Criminal District Attorney in the United States.  


Focus "Poetry"

Stay in focus on your goal, don’t let the outside win. 
If your center tends to move, your focus surely spins. 
One look back can’t change the past, but lets you twist the now. 
March past doubters who are wrong, and show them closely how. 

Interruptions come and go, distractions are the norm. 
Stop and regroup, bend the course, create your special storm. 
All around you moving slow, the influence looks real. 
Marching forward stay ahead just break the rules then heal. 

My First Blog "My Friends" True Ones

There are many things in this life that you treasure and you cherish.... Family, friends and  your LIFE.. I cherish all these things and still I ask myself why are they so important to me. Simply because they make me..me! I have great friends that keep me grounded and never try and change me.. Brittany M. Brittany R, Taaj, Victoria, Jasmine, Tia, and Sean. Many people never have the joys and blessing of finding true friends that believe in you and love you. Well I have and  I thank God that I have them. I created this blog because one good friend of mine who is like a sister to me inspired me to create this blog..were both aspiring journalist one day! See... friends are suppose to inspire, educate, push (even when you want to give up), and love. Now of course i can go on and on and talk about the people that don't have true friends but i will simply say that i pray and hope that  you find true friends that i am so very blessed to have, for many years of friendship... Don't get me wrong its not gonna be a fairytale friendship we have had rocky roads and bending trails, but we took the road less travel and even though at times I wanted to scream at them I didnt cause have the time I argued with them I was wrong...lol. So I leave you with these wise words from Leo Buscaglia 

"A single rose can be my garden..... but a single friend can be my world"

Words from ...... Voices Of The Unexplained and Unlistened To